Sunday, 22 April 2012

"Just do it"

procrastination [proh-kras-tuh-ney-shuhn, pruh-]

the act or habit of procrastinating, or putting off or delaying, especially something requiring immediate attention: Eg: She was smart,but her constant procrastination led her to be late with almost every assignment.

Psychologists believe procrastinators often say they "work better under pressure" as a way of justifying putting things off.

Picture credit:

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Tales of a Troubled Mother

They say the eyes are the window to the soul.
For the troubled mother, her soul rests on her sleeve,
for her eyes reveals not what she wants hidden.
Pretentious to please the perpetrators of her pain,
she keeps her tiles untarnished.
A prayer full of piety to conceal a scattered mind;
a mind torn between belief and scepticism,
relief and pessimism,
deceit and realism,
grief and optimism.
But her eyes displays not her shadowed soul,
or her desire for diminished lows.
Instead, her face will smile,
her arms will embrace,
her garments will speak on her behalf
whilst her soul remains misty,
until she's given back her most priced possession.

''they'll come through your womb but not be coming from you
they will be with you, but they do not belong to you
you can give them your love but not your thoughts 
cause they'll arrive with their own hearts'' - Jason Mraz (God rests in Reason) 

Friday, 6 April 2012

Adam's Apples

Beneath his droopy dim eyes lies his penchant for the paper,
A shared gaze draws him near as he bolts past his brother,
Rippled sweat roams rapidly on his face 
and betrays him by revealing his pace.
The cold lucid glass feels the warmth of his breath 
as the carefully knotted polythene strangles ten mahogany fingers.
He fixes his pleading pupils and flashes his pearly whites with tact.
Rattling prices as though a rhythmic routine,
his legs quiver as if time has been unkind.
She focuses on the fleeting movement of his famished mouth;
and spies misplaced saliva which sells him out.
Her lips part as muted words wander through his streets.
Streets created for his labour like Adam in Eden,
with no suitable helper to bear a burden.
Green-lights flash with no trade made,
and dashed hopes form across his face as distace fades.
She's whiffed-off wishing she plucked a piece of Adam's apples.

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Dark Moments: Shining Glory

Flowers grow from Dark moments
Fighting to meet the world
To blossom dearly and humbly in the heavenly light.
Struggling through natural things
And things which are made to make you struggle.
An intuition to open my arms and smile
is prevented by many obstacles
I still stand tall,
head high
chest out, smiling and knowing deeply,
One day I would smile,
one day everyone would bow down when I smile
My obstacles are what strengthens me
To arise every time I die.

 By Nana Yaa Bartels.