Monday 28 May 2012

"Beyond Reasonable Doubt..."

I seek precision in everything I invest my emotions in.
I have learnt that presumptions can always be rebutted
There are two things I try not to do:

->overestimate my importance in someone's life
->assume someone [of the opposite sex] is interested in me

I admit that I have a sense of entitlement where my loved ones are concerned,
but at least I know where I stand with them.
I believe a lot of people get hurt  [in intimate relationships] because they ignore
the patent signs in the beginning of the dating stage.
"I don't know whether he likes me..."
If I hear that sentence uttered one more time...
A woman must never ask that knife-edged question "so what are we?"

The lack of uncertainty I have witnessed some of my mates experience has often
left them in turbulence moods.
I can't deal.
Stop reading into invisible signs that he's interested. If it's latent, it is not there.
In my opinion, true emotions cannot be hidden. If it is not uttered,
it will be shown beyond reasonable doubt.
That way, you won't need to present me with your doubts and queries.

Sunday 20 May 2012

Another Socialist makes history...

As I expressed cheerful sentiments on a newly elected socialist President,
a pal expressed that I was only pleased because, in her view, I "always root
for the underdog in every race."
Was that true? I wondered. I thought I was merely praising a deserving winner
because a socialist could do more for the ordinary people than an incumbent
right-wing contender?
And then I reflected on the many aspirants in the past who had gained my endorsement...
Oh well, I thought, another underdog makes history.

Wednesday 16 May 2012


Mama embedded this noun into our spirits before we could utter it.
She taught us that decorum was correct conduct.
"Say please and thank you," she would remind us often.

Mama planted this universal seed inside our hearts before we could spell it.
She disciplined us dearly on decent demeanour.
"Stop frowning and smile," she would scold.

My mother stitched this attribute in our conscience before we could comprehend it.
She schooled us genially on good graces.
"Offer the gentleman a glass of water." Yes, kindness was my Mumsy's craft.

You see, my loving mother instilled this vitamin in our souls even before we matured.
Mummy pressed on frequently about the importance of positive presence.
"Let everybody have something good to say about you," she would preach during our daily devotion.
For the fear of foolery founded Mama's school of etiquette.
No one dared call her gems classless creatures.

Friday 4 May 2012

Thankful Friday

I have to jet out in a few minutes so I will make this quick. Today is "thankful friday" so I will simply list the things I'm thankful for. I got this idea whilst reading my good friend Calian's blog (Check out her blog).

So today I'm thankful for...

- For my life: I never take that for granted. Every morning I remember to thank God for the gift of life. I have witnessed people go through hell in this journey and I always wonder what happened and what went wrong. I see my self as disciplined and I try to live a spiritual life and the people in my life always steer me towards the right path. I'm also happy I'm a confident and strong-minded person so I have never been the kind to be affected by peer pressure.
- My family - enough said
- Other loved ones.
- MY PARENTS - I had to separate this. Lol (refer to point one)
- God's blessing. It's too much to list.

Ok I have to rush out. I'm travelling today and I don't want to miss my train (and flight).

Have a great weekend everyone.